Since a picture is worth 1,000 words I will go ahead and mention that his Instagram username is @Mathu7. It doesn’t matter whether we are fashioning artistic masterpieces out of found, organic, vegan, reclaimed, sustainable, self-rightously raw materials or simply doing our makeup for a meeting with a client and considering jumping out the window out of hatred for our life, we could all use a little inspiration now and then.
Mathu Andersen is best known as Rupaul’s makeup artist, but more importantly he is also known (to me at least) as a living, walking, smoking, starving piece of androgynous art traipsing around in heels and lace front wigs that would make Beyonce shudder with jealousy (and NOTHING makes Beyonce shudder with jealousy. Sorry Rihanna).
Anyway, the photos really do speak for themselves, but if you are in need of some creative inspiration, just scroll through his feed, ask yourself the age old question “What the fuck?” and enjoy the show that is his life. Then use the excitement you get from looking at a grown, bearded man look better in a dress than you do, and do something awesome with your own life.