Bryce Gruber’s Thoughts of the Day

Written by Bryce


1) I’m Heading Back to CA… Not California, and this isn’t a mid 90’s rap song (shucks). I mean Canada. I’ve decided to take Toronto by storm for 3 days at the end of this month. Hold on to your britches, Canadians, I’m about to rock your world. And, I’ll be tan, because I’ll be fresh off a plane from Meh-hee-co. This continent is about to get all sorts of Grubery.

2) I Want to Have Sex When I’m Old. I was talking to someone this morning about the likelihood of a good sex life after marriage because it’s a topic that’s always bewildered me. I’ve never been married, and I’m not quite sure what happens after a few years. I know in traditional Jewish style you’re only allowed to have sex about 15-20 days of each month, which maybe helps extend the life of a marriage by keeping sex fresh and sought after. I mean, if you do it every day with the same person for 5-10 years do you get bored? or 20 years? Do you think of other people? Do you just get your rabbit out and forget about even waking your husband up? This, aside from divorce, is just one more reason I fear marriage. I do know that my grandparents were having sex well into their 80’s (don’t ask me how I know), and I guess it’s possible to find someone that you love, connect with, and genuinely want to be with every single day… but how often does that happen? And how do you know the person you feel that way about after 6 months is the person you’ll feel that way about after 60 years?

3) Imma Be Scootin’. I bought my 2 year old a new scooter for Chanukkah, and truthfully I imagine myself using it. I also imagine back aches from bending at uncomfortable angles in pursuit of scoot.

4) SPLOOGE DOESN’T STAIN. Details are meaningless, but the point is, splooge doesn’t stain. BRYCE KNOWS SCIENCE.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • This photo caught my eye, I thought it was beautiful, endearing and joyful.
    Your thoughts on marriage are very sincere and candid and I feel that just as everybody is different so is every marriage, Ive been married for 3 years and I always tell my friends, “who am I to give advice on marriage?” We are all complex humans, but there are some stereotypes that hold true, such as, it happnes when you least expect it, never say never and only you will know what to do when it happens to you. I believe Sex is evolutionary in a relationship, and its always changing just as people and relaitionships do. I always feel that in order to have amazing sex and relationship for that matter, it all comes down to communication with your partner, and that means baring your souls till you and him have no boundaries, where you are a unit and that together you are stronger and can conquer the universe. If that holds true, then for sure sex at 100 is something i surely look forward to!
    best of luck and wishinng you much love!

  • Bryce–I love you but I have to disagree with the splooge. I have a white mink coat and I wore it out partying one night only to end up at a strip club with a group of friends. I swear I have no idea how (I’m serious) but some splooge got on my freakin’ $12,000 coat. I didn’t know what it was and thought it was maybe Sprite? Anyway,I had to take the coat to the special dry cleaners and after two attempts the woman at the counter told me she thought the mystery substance was sperm! I nearly died and will never know the truth but maybe the cleaners did. I am not posting this on fb because I don’t want to get yelled at by my Mom.

  • “And how do you know the person you feel that way about after 6 months is the person you’ll feel that way about after 60 years?” hello is anyone home. You don’t know. There are no guarantee’s in life. Marriage/Commitment whatever you want call it, is not about what you can get out of it, but what is it that you can put into it. How can you make the person that you are with, better. And vice versa. Are you a better person when you are with that person?

    “Do you think of other people?” Sure. It’s whether you act on it or not.

    “Do you just get your rabbit out and forget about even waking your husband up?” You can do that, but if I know most guys, they might feel a bit left out.

    “I do know that my grandparents were having sex well into their 80′s (don’t ask me how I know), and I guess it’s possible to find someone that you love, connect with, and genuinely want to be with every single day… but how often does that happen?”

    I think it happens all the time. It’s happening with my parents. But that is what needs to be the priority. We live in very disposable society. Leaving a relationship is quite easy these days.

    It’s not all about the sex as you develop in a relationship. Having good sexual chemistry helps. But just holding hands, looking into each others eyes, talking with purpose goes along way. Especially when you’re both to tired to throw down like monkey men.