Bryce Gruber’s Thoughts of the Day (emotional maturity edition)

Challenges, India, and Egg Nog

Before I get straight to the serious thoughts of the day, I figured I’d share this video with you since it keeps me in a good mood at my desk… or in a nightclub. Whatevs.

1) Every Challenge is a Beautiful Lesson. Since it’s the end of the year I’ve been reflecting a lot on what 2010 means to me. This year has been a roller coaster- I’ve had some of the highest highs (like watching my son take his first steps as the ball dropped last new year’s) and some of the lowest lows (court dramas, etc.)… but I’m grateful for all the lows and the challenges. Each one of those challenges brought me to a place that forced me to learn lessons I would never have taught myself.

2) I’d Really Like to Go to India. I can see myself floating down a river of saag paneer on the way to a henna appointment… and I like it.

3) Seasonal Foods Upset Me. I mean, in theory, they’re really nice. Everyone loves a perfectly ripe strawberry in the summer or some venison during game season, but when it comes to processed foods I don’t see why companies have to mess with my gastro-emotions. Like why can’t egg nog be available year round? Cream, spices, and nog aren’t seasonal ingredients? And if pumpkin can sit in a can for years at a time, why can’t I have pumpkin muffins all year long? I wonder if this is another challenge that will teach me a beautiful lesson (I suspect that lesson has something to do with calorie restriction).

4) Uncomplicates Shopping. Phew. I’m a new fan of this site because you can type in one simple phrase like “tall boots” and it will scan all of the biggest internet retailers to bring you all the tall boots the internet has to offer. You can then narrow down your search results by size, price, color, etc. Brilliant if you don’t have a lot of time and need a specific wardrobe piece. Works well for accessories, shoes, and sweaters I’ve found! I’ll report on my new sunglasses from StyleFind next week:)

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.