Grammer Is Uninportant, Same With College

Written by Emily

Ok first of all, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves are parents who spell their kids name differently for no reason.  It’s just Lindsay or Lindsey.  That’s the first stop on this clusterfuck of an “article.”  I put it in quotations because I don’t understand a) how it got published and b) it has to be a joke.  I basically had a seizure reading it.  Those who really know me understand I have no shame in calling you out for your grammatical or spelling mistakes, sorry Facebook friends.  We live in a world of spell checks.  See that squiggly red or green line underneath what you wrote?  That means you effed up.  Here it is in its original glory:

Picture 2

Here is the grading of this atrocity on why “College Really Isn’t Necessary.”  To give her credit, it’s really not for everyone, but Lynzee?  Try at least finishing grammar school first and stop making it look worse for those who didn’t get that paper.


About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."


  • I would like to ask you a question.
    What’s wrong with someone’s name being spelled in an all-together original way. As you can see, my name is Lindsay, but it’s spelled Lynsey. What’s wrong with that? And you put, “one of my BIGGEST pet peeves are people who spell their name differently for no reason”, but I would like to correct you on the fact that a person doesn’t pick they’re name. Their parents do. So you can’t criticize her name when she didn’t choose it.
    If you’re going to write something like this, don’t write in a way that will let people criticize you because I, among many others, will if given the chance. I personally was insulted by you saying there was something wrong with people spelling their name differently.

  • I gotta agree about the name thing. I didnt choose to have to spell it out everywhere I go and have people say ‘oh that’s different” in reply 9 times out of 10. That was all my dad. That being said where the hell did you find this? This girl has issues! Most guys cant possibly bring home enough to support the bills alone and even if they do Im sure they expect more than for their wives to take the kids shopping and get their hair done! Like actually clean and cook and enrich the children’s minds and bodies. I hate it tat people thing being at home with the kids is so much easier than going to work! It sucks and I’d like to get a job so I can get a break! I’d like to bitch slap some sense into this girl!

  • Lynzee looks real young but give her time and I predict she’ll either end up in porn movies or stripping. At the very least when she’s soliciting a lap dance from some drunken frat boy,he might appreciate that she is Lindsay with a Z. By the way
    my grammar is attrocious but I am working on it.

  • Haeley I happen to like the way you spell your name!! Lynsey and I worked it out because she has “Bacon” in her last name and is really cool.

  • I agree with Lynsey DuVerger 100%. My name is spelled differently than conventional spellings of Lindsey or Lindsay, and it’s hardly my own fault. It’s the legal spelling of my name, and I have only my parents to blame for the annoyance through which I have to suffer every time I need to spell my name out for someone. So sorry if we don’t all fit into your neat little categories. Perhaps if you were a bit more open-minded, you wouldn’t be such an offensive writer. But we should all just realize you’re always right about everything, now shouldn’t we?

    By the by, this is a run-on sentence: “Those who really know me understand I have no shame in calling you out for your grammatical or spelling mistakes, sorry Facebook friends.” There should be a period or a semicolon, not a comma, after “mistakes.” And it should be written as: “Sorry, Facebook friends” because you’re addressing someone. So I guess you aren’t the authority on everything, least of all on grammar.

  • I’ll redirect, I’m annoyed by the parents of children that have their names spelled silly. Happy?! Also, I am the authority on EVERYTHING.

  • This article has to be a joke that ran in the high school paper. She has proven why a full high school education is necessary and why remedial classes should never be offered in college. I am assuming her teachers never made her read the MLA handbook. As for all you variant spelled names, don’t bitch because we think your parents were strung out, drunk or thinking awwwww how cute when they named you.

  • “I believe every girl should marry every guy WHO is rich…” while still not a great sentence more correct. Superfluous or inappropriately used “that”s drive me crazy.

  • I don’t really have an issue with the creative name spelling thing, but I simply detest kids who give themselves weird names.

    (Note that this applies primarily to Asian people -especially people in Taiwan or Hong Kong)

    Their real name might be Mei Ling or something.. but they call themselves STRAWBERRY, DEVIL, SKY, EARTH. I’m sticking to my Asian name, that’s that.

    By the way, that girl’s living in the Middle Ages.

  • The journalist who wrote that piece looked so familiar. I couldn’t think why. Then it struck me! Remember Miss Carolina 2007? This must be her little sister!

    I recently returned to school to make a career switch. I’m studying science, but I like to grab classes that work the other side of my brain now and then. I took a journalism class last year and it left me with my jaw just a danglin’. I thought, fuck I ASSUMED, that you would want to become a journalist because you had an interest in people and events and politics. I assumed you’d have to be really smart. But the journalism majors I met didn’t have two brain cells to rub together. Their motivation? They wanted to be on television.

    Ah well, not like there are any jobs for real journalists anymore.

    Stupid is where the powers that be want us and we’re oh so happy to oblige.

  • It is funny because this is about grammar, and the headline spelled it grammer.
    It is also funny because you say, “I put it in quotations because I don’t understand a) how it got published and b) it has to be a joke.” and that is not a sentence.

    That was really meta of you.

  • Did you seriously spell “grammar” wrong in your title??

    Ha, talk about pot and kettle.
    While I don’t agree with the article that little snoot bitch wrote, I definitely do not think you should be the one pointing out the grammar and spelling mistakes, Emily.

    Good day!

  • Holy crap this is ridiculous. This is pretty much just a woman putting down her gender. Shes implying that were practically useless and the only cause we serve is to spend our husbands money. However true that may be for some women its not all women that are like that, and its people like her who make the hard working, smart, independent women look bad. And please dont comment on my misuse of the apostrophe, my keyboard stopped working on the whole right edge.

  • Lynsey,

    “… but I would like to correct you on the fact that a person doesn’t pick THEY’RE name.” FAIL.

    FYI: They’re = they are (it’s a contraction, see?), their = possessive, and there = location. Please, people, quit messing this elementary (literally) stuff up.

  • Grammer Is ———Uninportant——-, Same With College”

    You wanted to say, Unimportant? Or was that a bad case of sarcasm?

    And, no, my name isn’t spelled “differently”, that’s really how it is.

    Please tell me you don’t get worked up over Krista vs Krysta?
    Because, one is of balto slavic origin.

  • Oh goddess. How do you get to college with all of those misspellings? Let alone high school? My English teachers would have an aneurysm just reading that. Seriously, how do you spell \because\ wrong?

  • My favorite part is something you didn’t mark – that \every girl\ should marry \every guy that is rich.\ Is she advocating group marriage?

    (Oh, and obviously I don’t share your pet peeve about names – I encourage people to name themselves as they see fit!)

  • from her facebook

    “god last night was AMAZING. still drunk or really hung over! i love margarita rocks! thirsty thursday are the BEST! going to the GYM! haha text it”


  • A college education should be desirable because it should be ENRICHING. Where did you find this brainwashed douche? It must be a joke right? Who would publish this?

  • Dear Emily,

    Although I do not agree with this article what-so-ever, I also agree with many others in saying that you, dearest Emily, should most definitely not be the one critiquing it. I will not say that I am the \authority of everything,\ as you have done with your lovely egotistical attitude, but I do know a few things about grammar and spelling. This is not to say that I do not make mistakes sometimes, because I am human, and that is what we do.

    Your comment on the title, \o rly?\ is completely contradicting the statement that you are trying to make. Also, you failed to notice the thing that stands out immediately, as Raven has noted, \…every girl should marry every guy that is rich…\ clearly she meant that she believes that each girl should marry a rich man. You have marked up everything else, if you are indeed the \authority of everything,\ why not this? Adding to your contradiction, in your own introduction you have grammar mistakes.

    \I put it in quotations because I don’t understand a) how it got published and b) it has to be a joke.\ If you would like to redeem your authoritative crown, you should probably edit that to say this: I put it in quotations because I don’t understand how it got published and how it cannot be a joke. I understand that you just wanted to be able to make a point a and b to seem more authoritative. Trust me, it would be much more effective if you weren’t so extremely full of yourself and had a basis from which you were projecting that air.

    To add to this, I also think you shouldn’t be critical of a name that you cannot say that she choose for herself, as many others have already stated. If you would like to say something about the parents choice of her name, then do that, but do not attack someone for something that they have no control over.


  • Hey Jessica, I hope all your friends enjoyed your commentary. Since you apparently read all the comments, you would have seen where I said the PARENTS of the kids are to blame. PS- where is everyone with a sense of humor?!

  • Emily, this is FANTASTIC! Clearly your readers failed to realize your title was a joke. (Grammar AND Important are spelled wrong on purpose, ladies. Nice going). I love grammar and silly stuff like that. I’m at college RIGHT NOW learning how to be an English teacher of all things, but really I guess I should be getting my nails done and spending money that isn’t mine to spend. I suppose I missed the memo.

    The name this really bugs me too. Parents want their kids to be different, but they’re really just preventing them from ever finding one of those zipper attachments with their names on them. 😉 Every child deserves a zipper!

  • Basically, you’re my hero.

    …and it seems some of your readers need a sense of humor;
    because most of them seemed to have taken more offense to your saying you hate oddly spelled names,
    than to this idiot girl’s dumbass article.

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