TweetThis magic lipstick by Sassy Lips is spreading an important message in the most beautiful way...
Category - BEAUTY
This Rose Gold Eye Makeup Look Will Make Your Insides Sparkle
TweetRose gold eye makeup for life. Holler if you hear us. Who would have thought a few years ago...
Foot Contour is Real, Here’s How to DIY
TweetFoot contour is real, people. Mentally prepare yourself to look at feet. Ready? Good! Because...
Here’s How to Tone Brassy Hair Color
TweetTone your brassy hair color the easy way (you can thank us in the comments section) Lightening...
Two Easy Ways to DIY Matte Eyeliner
TweetDIY your matte eyeliner game, because you’re the crafty type. Shiny liner? No, thank you...
Styling Tips for Cute Bob Hairstyles
TweetTry these styling ideas for super cute bob hairstyles Going for a big hair change is as fun as...
Aloe for Beauty: 10 Ways To Use It
TweetAloe for beauty: the easy ways to use it The dark horse of “natural” beauty...