TweetNailing your blush placement has never been easier. Party on, beautiful! One of the best ways...
Category - BEAUTY
How To Overdraw Your Lipstick Outline Perfectly
TweetOverdrawing your lipstick outline is the first step to big, bouncy-looking lips. One of the...
7 DIY Hair Oil Treatments
TweetSeven super easy DIY hair oil treatments to replenish and restore your hair’s greatness...
Your Guide to Cleavage Makeup
TweetCleavage makeup is a thing, people. Get on it. We’ve mentioned before that we love how...
How to Stop Lipstick Feathering
TweetLipstick feathering be damned! Here’s how to stop the color drama. As much fun as...
Easy DIY Evil Eye Nails
TweetWant good energy in 2017? Rock this easy peasy evil eye nails look to keep the badness at bay...
10 Beeswax Uses for Beauty You’ll Love
TweetGo more natural with these beeswax uses for beauty you’ll buzz about. For centuries...