Cool Snail Mail: Sprouted Cards

Written by Vivianne

Surprise a loved one by sending Postcarden, a hybrid between a postcard and a mini botanical garden.

Miss your mom or your little sis? Snail mail is SO much cooler than email to keep in touch, especially when it looks like this:


Surprise a loved one by sending Postcarden, a hybrid between a postcard and a mini botanical garden. Once the letter is popped open, all they gotta do is throw some seeds in the base, give the plantation some tender loving care and watch the sprouts grow.

They’re edible – so you could even enjoy them in a salad next time you go home for dinner!

$12.50 (on is a very reasonable price to pay for such an original gift!

About the author


Bryce's future stay-at-home wife, but for now a prolific lifestyle writer, artist rep and full-time hustler. Loves happy hour sushi, elephants, caffeine, hiking canyons, extra dirty martinis, nerds, chocolate chip cookies, artichokes (cause they have a heart), photography, designer dresses, collecting fragrances and taking care of business.

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