Trying to Look Less Asian: NOT PC!

Written by Bryce

When I saw the image of this billboard my mouth just about dropped to the floor.  Last I checked, Asians were gorgeous.  So if there are Asians out there willing to explore this “Truth Ministry” bullcrap, I’d like to say:

  1. WTF, you already have a perfect complexion and to-die-for hair
  2. I have a bridge I’d like to sell you, and it goes to Brooklyn!

btw, to the schmucks at Truth Ministry: I can only hope that Chinese programmers figure out how to send a virus to your computers to turn all fonts into Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, and varied other Asian texts.

Picture 9

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, planes with WiFi, summer clothes, & Sucre brown butter truffles. Bryce's aim is to do to luxury what Elton John did to being gay. Follow her on twitter @brycegruber


  • Wow…what a disturbing billboard…being Asian myself, I’m offended yet I do understand the dynamic since plastic surgery is HUGE in many Asian territories such as China and Singapore..

    Bryce, you made my day with this article…thank you for vindicating us \Asians\. =^)

  • Yeah, check out that website above.

    Before you go posting stuff you should check and see if it’s even true. I’m thumbing this down cause you couldn’t take three seconds to see if that pic was photo shopped or not.

  • Maybe the billboard is messed up but what the hell do you mean by “WTF, you already have a perfect complexion and to-die-for hair.” That is just straight stereotypical, an I would have to advise you to work on your next approach.

  • im not asian, but this billboard made me think… what if there was a way to change your race… like oh… not being human anymore =P

  • UPDATE! It’s true… we were alerted: this is a photoshopped image!
    The REAL image was an effort to “convert” gays… equally as bad, if not moreso, since homosexuality knows no racial boundaries.

    Truth Ministry: WTF??!

  • They do say, though, that if you don’t WANT help, they’re not trying to force you to do anything. I have met people who are gay and really hate it, but feel there’s nothing they can do about it; that’s how they were born. It’s not like they’re the catholic church, telling them that they’re going to hell for being born differently.

  • I’ve seen this floating around for many years now. It was originally an obesity or suicide billboard, and someone photoshopped it as a joke, and it took off. Now there’s a website that was bought by a plastic surgeon for the sole reason of internet popularity (No publicity is bad publicity). Believe me or not, that’s the truth.

  • Err…you guys? I think this a parody of all those stupid Christian organizations that claim to turn gay people straight through the power of Christ. This is a parody because you cannot change being gay any more than you can change being asian. Get it?

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