Science has stated that in the future we will all look Brazilian. No complaints.

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“Globalization, immigration, cultural diffusion and the ease of modern travel will gradually homogenize the human population, averaging out more and more people’s traits. Because recessive traits depend on two copies of the same gene pairing up in order to get expressed, these traits will express themselves more rarely, and dominant traits will become the norm. In short, blue skin is out. Brown skin is in,” explains Stephen Stearns, a Yale professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.
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In the US alone, certain recessive traits like blue eyes have grown less common, and according to a 2002 study by epidemiologists Mark Grant and Diane Lauderdale, only 1 in 6 non-Hispanic white Americans has blue eyes, which is half of what it was 100 years ago.
So basically this means that the genetic mixing of different races across the world is eventually going to lead to use looking like Brazilian people. If you have ever seen a Brazilian person however, you are probably not complaining.
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