On the heels of Miami’s Art Basel, I think it’s only appropriate to bring you what I consider the next big thing in art: vulvas.
For ages we’ve seen Rubens that portray a woman’s figure, sculptures of testicles, and endless breast paintings, but seldom have we seen the vulva appreciated in the eyes of artists. So, I’d like to highlight Etsy artist Autumn Moreno, for her groundbreaking work with vaginas, acrylic paint, and canvas. You can copy her work at home if you’re looking to be an artist on your own time… simply paint your vaj with fun colors, and sit on the nearest canvas. Voila!
Is it me, or does this woman appear to have a loose vagina?
Why would anyone other then Larry Flynt, buy this?
I can’t even draw a decent stick figure but I feel the urge to do this and hang it in my dining room