You’re Probably Tacky If…

Written by Bryce

You’re probably tacky if you dress up your dog to look just like you.  Or the person you wish you could be.   Living in Manhattan means I see a lot of people (of all varieties) with lots of little dogs, in lots of little outfits.  Little doggy coats and mittens are essential for our frigid winters, but there’s just no reason for a puppy to be dressed in stripper gear or hipster jeans.  And if you’re one of the schmucks doing it, just know that all the passers-by on the street are quietly thinking, “I bet you that retard’s finances are totally effed.”

This wiener looks like she’s about to be in a school girl porn. Not appropriate.  Ever.


This dog obviously belongs to some hipster in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. #getajob


This pooch obviously belongs to a suburban housewife.  Those are some classy jeans.  And a cute late-90’s Gap shirt.

Picture 11

…so is there ever a time when it’s appropriate to dress your dog up? Yes. Halloween, and I’m especially fond of this dog.


About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • Hold the phone. Are you saying it is BAD to dress your dog up like a person!? Bryce, if you are also saying its bad to also push my small dog in a stroller like a baby, well, I just don’t know what to tell you.

  • I’m with you Bryce, people who dress up their dogs (other than the winter coat if needed and Halloween) seem to be a little ‘off’. Although my friend does put doggles on her Jack Russel when they go out in the convertible for a drive. She’s a safety first girl. The dog has a special car seat too. lol He does look adorable in those darn goggles.

  • I feel sorry for the furry ones when I see them dressed like this (except halloween). Booties for their paws in the winter or doogles for bike riding are fine but little outfits dressing them like they are small people is just torture. Especially when the stupid human walking them has a matching outfit.