I’d like to think that since I’m well-traveled, dress stylishly (when I have to), and surround myself with generally fabulous people that I’m qualified to make the following conjectures.
Chest hair is amazing. A man without chest hair is like a cheeseburger with no cheese: empty and pointless.
- Chest hair is vintage-cool. Much like tight jeans, converse sneakers, the skinny tie, and beard-scruff, chest hair is essential for the man that knows how to appreciate the vintage look. Do the Burt Reynolds thang, it’s hot.
- Even an accountant that doesn’t know how to caulk or hang a painting can come off as a burly Paul Bunyan kinda guy. And let’s all be real… chicks dig men that are handy (or at least look the part).
- Chest hair reminds us of gladiators. Everyone wants to mate with a gladiator.
- It’s something to run our hands through in bed. Nuff said.
- It’s like evolution made it’s mark in an obvious way. Don’t worry hairy-chested-man, if the second ice age hit, you’d survive.
As a chest hair-laden man, I fully endorse this post.
wow. On one hand, i feel bad for those dogs. But on the other, you give me hope as a hairy chested jew.
Men without hair on their body esp chest and legs, look like pre-pubesant boys.
As a man who shaves my chest, I can say that I am #1 on the Slip n’ Slide (Gator Alley) every 4th of July, and that I am #2 in the bedroom…right next to #1… which is myself WITH chest hair .
BSJ’s chest hair is like the hair on his head.
I LOVE chest hair! Where ever did you find this pic? I am sending this to my husband now!
Ah yes, but what say ye, about chest hair, in the shape of a heart!?
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