Doctors are offering ‘gay gene therapy’ to same sex couples wanting gay babies.
Gay gene therapy is now just as much of a thing as laser hair removal: thought to be impossible in the 80s, but totally possible like 30 years later.
Scientists have now figured out how to offer the ‘gay gene’ to same sex couples who want to pass on the values of homosexuality to their brethren. The process is called human germine manipulation, and involves genetically engineering your baby by altering the sperm and ovum with the ‘gay’ X chromosome.
It costs between $12,000 and $15,000 for the entire process, but if all you have ever wanted from life was a fabulous gayby, all I can say is: you’re welcome. If you think about it, a great pair of boobs runs around the same rate, and women look at THAT as an investment… but boobs will only get you so far. A gay son will get you a lifetime of happiness, and that’s scientific fact (if you feel otherwise, you’re probably doing it wrong). Unfortunately there is no current gene therapy for the degree of fabulous, and there’s a significant chance you’ll end up with a lumbersexual baby who is more focused on construction and NASCAR than the glitter and Madonna album collection you are obviously imagining for your future spawn.
READ MORE : So Los Angeles Has a Gay Jail?
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