Some toys are not actually meant for children.
A ‘two finger squirter’, also known as a girl that accidentally pees all over you during sex.
I don’t know about you, but in my childhood, we were so poor that we were lucky to have any toys to play with. Our idea of a good time was ordering free Bibles from TV, and then burning them on the front stoop. I know that may seem sacrilegious, but at least we weren’t dealing drugs on the streets. In fairness, there were no streets, but we probably could have made a few dollars slinging oregano on the dirt roads of North Florida.
Anyway, I digress. We may not have had that many toys growing up, but we cherished the ones we did have, and felt lucky to have them, even if they did come from the Dollar General. It is my opinion that kids need constant stimulation, so regardless of whether that comes from desecrating religious tomes, or toys that are way to sexual for children, it is still a positive thing for our children and our future.
READ MORE: WTF: The Anti-Masturbation Cross
I don’t know what a ‘fuzzy pumper’ is, but I can almost guarantee I have given one to someone before.
The ‘breast milk baby’, complete with fake boobs filled with milk.
The Batman water gun, straight out of a Mexican sweat shop.
An off brand ‘dora’ dick aquapet.
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