Legal Ways to Sell Your Body Online

sell your body online
Written by Gary

Need some extra cash? That’s cool. You’ll like our list of totally legal ways to sell your body online for cash.

Here’s how to sell your body online

sell your body online

I have never technically sold my body, although I did have sex for a pair of shoes once. Transactional sex aside, if you are a little strapped for cash, there are plenty of other ways you can make money. Besides orifices, the human body has hundreds of other useful moving parts, so here are a few ways you can use what God gave you to make some money online, without risking jail time:

Sell your mouth online

sell your body online

A woman in South Korea makes $9,000 per month by eating food on Youtube for “Gastro Voyeurs.” She is known only as The Diva, and eats food for 3 hours a day online. Surprisingly enough, she isn’t fat.

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Sell your hair online

You can sell your body online in as much time as it takes to grow a gorgeous ponytail. Debra Yerga realized she could sell her hair online at and made $4,000 by selling 31 inches of her luscious locks. If you have a high metabolism and fast-growing hair, forget cancer patients and make some cash money! Your best bet? Try eBay where you can set your own price.

Sell your face online

British kids Ross Harper and Ed Moyse created a website called and sold advertising spots on their faces for a full year. They ended up making $50,000 to settle their student loan debt. The site seems to have gone under, but you can still sell tattoo space on your body and face on ebay. Just remember, this is a fairly permanent result.

What the hell, sell your soul online

In 2008, Mike Merrill divided his “soul” into 100,000 shares, and sold them for $1 each. He gave investors voting rights to his life, including whether or not he should get a vasectomy. Shares for Mike’s soul have since gone up to $5 each, and can be purchased at We want to tell you this is fake news, but it’s not.

Sell your bodily fluids online

Yes, there are people out there who pay good money for used panties. In case any of you savory girls out there are interested, the URL is, where apparently there’s a whole burgeoning market for this.

Sell your body online via your experiences

Did you know you can make a living being an Amazon reviewer? Can you imagine how much the original reviewer who made the Tracy’s Dog vibrator the best selling sex toy on Amazon made? A lot, we’re better. Buy a toy, write a review, get rich on your own pleasure.

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall


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